Scotch Land Management Timber Services

Timber is an amazing resource that, when managed correctly, can meet a wide range of needs for generations. We have our finger on the pulse of timber markets, therefore we know how to market your timber for maximum profits. That’s why we pay attention to every detail in the management of your timberland investment. From customizing herbicide prescriptions to selecting the right genetics in our seedlings, we do everything to give your property a clear advantage. Our timber marking teams are trained in tree selection to ensure the best stems are left to grow after a stand has been thinned. And as registered foresters, we enforce the best management practices for Alabama and Mississippi and use logging crews that are Professional Logging Manager (PLM) certified.
Our team has the expertise to implement the appropriate practices throughout the timber management lifecycle. Our managers combine the art and science of forest management to produce the absolute best return on each timber sale. Scotch manages your timberland investment in six distinct phases:
- Appraisals & Acquisitions
- Management Plans
- Custom Timber Cruises
- GIS, GPS, & Mapping
Timber Stand Improvement
- Timber Marking
- Prescribed Burning
- Herbaceous Release
- Woody Release
- Pine Beetle Control
- Invasive Plant Control
- Beaver Control
- Wildfire Control
- Timber Trespass
- Site Prep Spraying
- Site Prep Burning
- Planting
- Genetics
Tract Maintenance
- Boundary Lines
- Road Building
- Bridges
- Supervision
- Thinning
- Clear Cuts
- Track Cutter
- Storm Salvage